Friday, February 1, 2008

Cats and Computers

This is not really about cats, except to say that my cat does often try to sit on the keyboard while I am typing. Also, I wanted to post a picture of her. Also, the title Cats and Computers adds a nice alliteration touch to this title!

Here is a link to a local pet adoption agency if you want a pet too (or if you just like to look at the cute puppies and kittens)!

Nikki’s Internet Log

Tuesday (1-29-08)

sent 12 emails at work = 30 mins.
received 21 emails at work (most of which I deleted without reading) = 10 mins.
sent 3 personal emails = 10 mins.
received 5 personal emails = 10 mins.
browsed Facebook = 10 mins.
read the news at CNN and BBC = 20 mins.
used Google to search for information on the internet = 20 mins.

Total = 1 hour and fifty minutes (40 mins. work/ 70 mins. personal)

Wednesday (1-30-08)

· sent 4 personal emails = 10 mins.
· received 9 personal emails = 15 mins.
· check bank account = 5 mins.
· used Google to find information = 15 minutes
· read assignments and articles on Blackboard = 30 mins.
· read CNN and BBC news = 10 mins.
· used to look up word meanings and spellings = 5 mins.
· browsed Facebook twice = 15 mins.
· edited class blog = 10 mins.

Total = 1 hour and forty-five minutes ( No work = 0 mins. work/ 105 mins. personal)

Thursday (1-31-08)

received 16 work emails = 10 mins.
sent 8 work emails = 15 mins.
received 6 personal emails = 10 mins.
sent four personal emails = 10 mins.
checked bank account = 5 mins.
browsed Facebook = 5 mins.
read CNN and BBC news = 15 mins.
used Google to search for information = 20 mins.

Total = 1 hour and ten minutes ( 45 mins. work/ 45 mins. personal)

After looking over my log, I would say that I use the internet mainly for asynchronous social interactions and as a source of information. Specifically, I regularly check my personal email account and Facebook in an attempt to stay in contact with friends that I do not see every day. However, I do not regularly use synchronous chat options.
I also check my work email account regularly while I am at work because that is the primary method for communication at my office (even when the person is in the same room as the person to whom they are writing, weird.) However, I delete most of my work emails without reading them because I get emails from every division in the office, and most of it does not concern me as a graduate assistant. Also, the work emails are obviously much more formal than my personal emails.

Regarding my use of the internet for information, I frequently read the news online, check my bank account balance, use Blackboard for finding class information, and use Google for whatever I am looking for at the moment. Since I do not get a newspaper or keep a balanced checkbook, these activities are rather regular for me.

Overall, after keeping a log I recognize that I use the internet even more than I had realized. I think that, in a way, the internet has replaced the television for me because I rarely watch TV for information or entertainment—but I do spend a good deal of time on the internet to meet those ends.


Liz said...

I just wanted to agree with you that the Internet is my biggest form of entertainment. I hardly used the Internet this week for that purpose, but I'm usually online all the time trying to find something to do. I hardly watch TV either (seeing as I don't have calbe. Although wtih TV shows being online now, it hardly seems worth it to pay for cable and the internet). I think it is interesting to think that our generation might be turning away from the TV and to the Internet for our primary source of entertainment.

ChomboMambo said...

Well...I just started getting back into T.V. this past year. I usually keep the T.V. on but I never look at it. I do it because it's so Your use of the internet is definitely more productive than mine. I usually get sidetracked and never check my bank accounts until last

Dr. L said...

Excellent post! You covered it all -- exactly what I was wanting to see. I ended up not grading this first post but just decided to give some feedback!